Saturday, July 30, 2011

Christian at 3 Months

It's been awhile since we did a post, so here are some pictures of Christian over the last month and a half. He's had his 3 month birthday, and his 4th is almost here. Some of his favorite things are chewing on his hands, being lifted up and down in the air, smiling at himself in the mirror with his hooded towel on, talking up a storm, and dancing with his parents.

He's had some big developments. He was propped up on a pillow, but he rolled over from his tummy to his back at Maria's this week. He's been trying to roll from his back to his tummy. He's halfway there. His biggest breakthrough is sleeping in his crib! Up until three nights ago, he's slept exclusively in his swing. We would try his crib, but he would wake up screaming and be very hard to calm down, so on Thursday night, Javier and decided it was time. We had him cry himself to sleep in his crib. It was awful, but I know from hearing other mother's stories that he'll be a much better sleeper afterward. He only cried for 35 minutes (an hour is average), so we are very thankful for that. Ever since that time, the most he's cried is 5 minutes. Now, he let's out a small cry and falls right to sleep. One thing we've learned so far being Christian's parents, is that things change, so I hope he keeps going to sleep well!

Javier's good friend Russell got married in June. Here's Christian in his Sunday best headed to the wedding.

The three of us at the wedding:

Christian and Uncle Travis on July 4th:

Christian met his cousin, Sofia. While Sofia wanted to be friends, Christian wasn't a big fan of her scream. She shrieked a couple of times, and he would cry in return. I guess he's not quite ready for girls yet.

We got Christian a Bumbo chair, but his poor little thighs are a little too chunky. We have a hard time getting him in and out.

Christian smiling at daddy during bath time.

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