Every week brings a new accomplishment for Christian and a new challenge for his parents! This has been a BIG month for him. It started with him rolling from back to tummy and getting up on all fours. Then, two weeks ago, he started crawling. The race is on! His newest fascination is rolling over, crawling, then climbing and standing up on the side of his crib, which he LOVES to do ONLY when it's time for a nap:) If that isn't enough to make me wonder if they make sleeping pills for babies, his first tooth made an appearance this morning!!! He was super fussy yesterday and would not go down for naps. Javier and I resorted to the old school technique of strapping him in the car and driving. I decided to check his mouth this morning, and sure enough, there's the top of a little tooth showing through. What a whirlwind of stuff for one little baby to go through in one month! On top of all that, he started screeching, and I mean screeching, like a dinosaur this morning. Javier and I blame his dinosaur PJ's he wore for the first time last night. Needless to say, Mommy did not get to sleep in this morning like she hoped. Here's to dreaming of getting some sleep next weekend.
I'm a month late in getting this posted, but Javier and I took some pictures with him when he turned 6 months. Here's the apple of our eye.
Post a new update please!