Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Christian's Big Adventures

Christian's a week old now and has definitely turned our life upside down! We've had lots of firsts this week, definitely lots of sleepless nights, but this has been an amazing week with our little baby. Here is Christian on his way home from the hospital.

Cuddling with Daddy.

Zonked out on Mommy.

Getting acquainted with the kitties. Two of our kitties will cry when the baby cries. It makes for quite a scene. Hopefully, they'll get used to him soon. Van Gogh just wants to cuddle.

We've had a couple of funny moments with Christian. He taught Daddy that Dad needs to cover him when changing his diaper. Christian gave him a quick shower. Since then we've gotten numerous showers. We're trying to remember, but it seems to take us by surprise every time. We, or actually, I (Audrey) accidently gave Christian a real shower. We were about to give him a bath, but I didn't notice that the shower was on instead of the faucet, and he got a surprise. Poor Baby. He did like the warm water of his bath, though. I'm sure there will be many more adventures to come, but the first week has gotten him off to a good start.

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