About 3 months ago, Baby Rocha had his ultrasound where all his fingers and toes where counted and measured, along with every other piece of anatomy. That was the day Javier and I found out we were having a boy! We were both elated until we met with the Physicians Assistant. She told us his kidneys had measured larger than average, and she wanted us to go see a specialist with a higher level ultrasound. She further told us that larger kidneys could be a sign of down syndrome. After seeing our baby boy for the first time, we were on a high, but finding this out really took the wind out of our sails. While we would love him either way, it was still hard to hear. A few days later we met with the specialist and he said one kidney was a little larger than average, so he scheduled us for a follow-up appointment.
This morning we had our follow-up appointment, and by this blog's title, I think you can tell that everything checked out fine this time. In fact, he is a big healthy boy. He already weighs 4 lbs 8 oz, which is in the 77th percentile for his age. Not only is he healthy, but he's 27% larger than other babies his age! It turns out that he just needed to grow into his kidneys. Much like his dad, Baby Rocha takes tests better the second time around. With or without the stress, it was exciting to get an extra ultrasound to see our baby. While the photo isn't too clear, here's a profile picture from this morning.
Glad to hear the good news! We can't wait to meet Baby Rocha!