Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Baby Rocha

Many of you know by now that Javier and I are expecting a little baby boy this spring. I've had this blog address, but it seems that time goes by too fast; I haven't done any posting in the months that I've been pregnant. Finally, I have some time this week since I'm off of work, so I wanted begin my post on the growing Rocha family. Javier and I are very excited about our little baby. Especially, now that we can feel and see those big kicks move my belly up and down. We can't wait (ok, maybe we can wait a few more months) to meet him and get to know him. It's amazing that there's a little person in there that already has a personality and habits and a look all his own. He's due April 3rd, and it will be a busy few months until he arrives. I have 13 weeks to go!! Here's his ultrasound photo. Isn't he already the cutest?